Here are some of me by Gregory Brown (there are a couple of shots which appear in colour and in b&w, as I'm struggling to choose in these cases... Please comment if you are more decisive than me and have a favourite!):
Bongos in the window:
John Evans also sent me some photos. We couldn't resist the purple wall:
More pointe shoes:
And some doorways:
And THEN.... It turned out that the guy whose house we were shooting in was in fact a British champion helicopter pilot. When he offered me a quick spin in his purple helicopter, I could hardly say no, could I? England drives me mad sometimes, but seeing it from the sky is a beautiful reminder of how wonderful the land is. Such an amazing experience!!! These are from my camera:
My hand - I'm flying the thing!!

The location (and my little brum brum):

I didn't actually realise Russell was quite the pro he was until afterwards... Bit scary when at the end of the flight around Warwickshire he claimed not to be very good at landing on grass, and seemed quite worried, telling me to brace myself for a skiddy landing, etc.... Eeek! What a tease. I didn't even feel the touchdown. Ha!