Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Yerbury Boudoir Training

I had four exciting shoots this last week, one of which was for Faye and Trevor Yerbury's Boudoir Workshop at a beautiful hotel (The Greenway) in Cheltenham. It was a perfect opportunity to wear some new lingerie sets, I thought. The day went very well. The Yerburys are an impressive husband and wife team who have both won a ridiculous amount of awards individually - they have a genuine enthusiasm for creating beautiful images, and for passing on the necessary skills. I have unexpectedly been sent lots of the images from the day (both from the Yerburys and the delegates), which is always a nice bonus!

The following were taken by Yvonne Lorraine (one of the delegates at the workshop):

This was taken by Barbara Leatham (another delegate):

(Rocking the demonic look:)

By Faye Yerbury:
 (Rolling around the floor while a room full of people take shots, as one does:)

Obviously, there are lot of similar-ish photos here, but they're all slightly different and the delegates had the chance to direct me individually as well as snapping all at once. If you think you might be interested in getting some tips and know-how from the Yerburys, you can find information about their upcoming workshops (based all around the country) on their facebook group: 'Boudoir Academy'. I'll be modelling for them again soon... Maybe see you there? :-)