Sunday, 20 December 2015

Christmas Blooms

Manchester yesterday, Brighton tomorrow... Horribly behind on emails at the moment but doing my best (and also doing my usual thing of trying to go in two directions at once - both speeding up and winding down for Christmas... I'm sure many of you can relate!). Here's a quick update of some slightly Christmassy portraits from Paul Lock, who I had the pleasure of modelling for again recently.

Wishing you all a wonderful time full of love and joy, and only minimal crass and over-electric flashing neon. I'm off to a Christmas carol service with my family tonight in a tiny, tiny village church which was bedecked beautifully this time last year for my older brother's wonderland wedding. :-) Can't believe how time zooms!

Merry Christmas and I am looking forward to seeing many of you next year, all over the world!

Sunday, 13 December 2015

My Grandfather's Clock

More more more...

(All images by the wonderful Luc Bollen.)

Friday, 11 December 2015

Doors & Chandeliers

You can read all about my recent trip to Brussels in the wake of the terror threat over here on my other blog, which I enjoy updating with various thoughts and pieces of writing now and then (and which you should definitely be following..! :-)), but over here, I thought I'd add some images taken while I was there by Luc Bollen. He took us to the same beautiful house as last time (some previous images here), but this time we used different rooms. I loved shooting there again. I should be able to show you more soon (this is just one set, really), but it's very kind of him to send me some already.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Hello World!

Terribly, terribly behind on things over here.... Sorry sorry sorry! (In my defence I have been rather busy...) But here are two things:

1. An image you haven't seen yet:

2. A travel schedule:

I am not publishing exact dates (apart from mentioning that I will be in Belgium next week!), but you are very welcome to contact me for dates/details on the trips listed below, in between which I will of course be available here in the UK. Email:
Testimonials here.

Dec 1st-4th: 
Belgium (a few spaces left; be quick!)

Land of Oz.
Bali & Malaysia.

April 20th-end of May: 
Stops between/nearby the following cities are also possible:
Holland, Dusseldorf, Kassel, Berlin, Prague, Munich, Salzburg, Vienna, Budapest, Bucharest, Istanbul

Norway, Stockholm & Copenhagen

Ireland (Dublin and Cork) & Belfast

West Coast US & some central

(to be confirmed): Australia

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Of Castles & Gold

From one long-standing shooting tradition to another, how lucky I am to have worked again recently with Jeremy Howitt on another little adventure - this time in the north of England, around Northumberland!

It was the usual (finely) organised chaos of early starts and day-time cat-naps, so that I lost track of what day was what, where I'd been, who I was... etc... by the end of the fleeting trip, but we had such a lovely time! I love the results - dramatic beach scenes with castles and vistas as the sun winds up or down - and we even managed to squeeze in a trip to Alnwick Castle to see where some of the scenes in Downton Abbey (and Harry Potter) were filmed (and by the way, I hope you're all glued to your screens this season in case I make a fleeting appearance in a couple of scenes; I'm going to miss it while I'm away and am making my Mum record it all for me!); and for me to be utterly beaten by the world's biggest ice cream, which covered me in delicious chocolate and had me rooting around for tissues to clean up me/my clothes/the bench. I was such an embarrassment; clearly out of ice-cream-eating practise (I don't normally 'do' ice creams, but had a sudden craving. It was all very ungraceful.).

Anyway, I'm off to Indonesia for a month now, so things here may get a little slow, but will be back and raring to go in mid-November and am (by the way) taking bookings now for November, December and January; and from April onwards. Things are getting all a bit inter-continental again, and I like it! :-) I will be snapping away while away on this trip, I'm sure, so my instagram will floweth over in all likelihood, since I am clearly addicted to it these days. (and oh, I am going to miss Sir Fluffalot terribly while I'm away; I hope I survive without his enormous fluffy face looking alarmed at me. I know, I'm ridiculous, but LOOK AT HIS MAGNIFICENT FACE!!!)

OK, those mermaid scenes and so forth, forthwith (thank you so much again Jeremy!):

You can also read Jeremy's version of events here. (I'm so glad he posts these threads, not least so I can remember where exactly I've been. He knows me well enough to know how terrible I am at knowing my way around places (and knowing whether to turn left or right out of a hotel, despite having been there for three days, for example), so it will come as no surprise that the place names became a slight blur after the early morning starts, even if the places themselves are spectactular; it really is a miracle that I can travel solo as well as I do. Nevermind. If I was the sort of person who would end a blog post with a hashtag, it would be #cantbegoodateverything (but I wouldn't do that, because then where does the full stop at the end of the blog post go?) - I'll put it here: .