Saturday, 24 September 2011

Fresh Zing

I'm back in the UK! Woop! Gotta love those long-haul flights, especially when they decide not to bother putting your suitcase on the plane (ahem, delta airlines, NOT impressed!)... The conversation at the baggage reclaim desk went as follows:

Me, in London after a four-hour delay (during which I read an entire memoir of an ex-prisoner at Alcatraz cover to cover; pretty intense!), a re-routing from New York to Minneapolis, terrible vegetarian food, definitely not enough leg room and not really enough water to drink: 'Excuse me, my bag doesn't seem to be here.'

'Help services' man, glancing at my passport: 'Oh yeah, your luggage didn't make it onto the flight.'
(Un-elaborating pause while I stare at him...)

Me: 'Riiiight. What am I expected to do, in that case?' (I am extremely polite, despite my piercing glares)

'Help Services' man: 'Fill in this form. We'll then post your bag to you.' (NO APOLOGY OR EXPLANATION! (Until I, reminding myself of my mother slightly, say 'Will I be getting an apology of any kind?' to which Mr Blasé finally replies 'sorry madam' and 'sometimes that happens. They don't tell us why.') HUMPF!)

Anyway, so far I'm amazingly un-jet-lagged, so am spending a few mins addressing the ever-present and imminently overwhelming backlog of stuff to put on this blog of mine, before I address the rather exciting pile-up of emails I need to reply to. I'm hoping to cram in as many shoots as possible before I go away again in 3.5 weeks. Lots of Canadien/American stories to follow in due course (camera-computer cable pending), some with photographic evidence of the more artistic variety... but first... presenting what I call 'fresh zing', a development of a theme, by Rebecca Parker. So fresh and so clean (with cool lens stuff going on with trees and grass):

And something Rebecca found from a previous shoot: